Veronica Armstrong

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Lensbaby Monthly Challenge: Fresh

You know how much I love my Lensbabies. They force me to slow down when shooting (since I have to manually focus the lenses) and put a little more thought into the process. A few fellow ClickinMoms and I thought it would be fun to challenge ourselves to a monthly Lensbaby challenge in an effort to use them more and improve our work so we started a blog circle. This month's theme is Fresh. I didn't have to get too creative as we were blessed with a bit of snow in England. It looks lovely in the garden, on the sidewalk not so much, but it's a fair trade. It's worth trudging through some slush on a city sidewalk to enjoy scenery like this.



Next up in the blog circle is the crazy talented Heather Richard. Click through to see her take on the theme. Spolier alert: ridiculously adorable.