A day in my life as a mom with video bonus.

I've had a great time working with Latina Mom Bloggers on the Mamas para Huggies® campaign. Cameron has worn huggies since she was a squishy baby. Now that she's a toddler who never stops moving I appreciate Huggies® a little more.


Cameron loves making messes. I can easily plow through my supply of wash cloths in a day. I'm constantly dipping into our Huggies® Natural Care® Wipes stash to wipe her face, clean her hands, or even wipe some gunk off the couch. I keep a small bag of wipes in our stroller too. They're gentle and great for sensitive skin so I feel comfortable using them when I have to.

Ever wonder why my kids' always have clean faces in my photos? It's not Photoshop. I wipe at the playground, at the beach, wherever there is a mess. Huggies makes my life a bit easier by helping me keep messes to a minimum. Kid messes add up and suck valuable time out of our day. The faster I clean up the sooner we get to the fun stuff. Even celebrity spokespapi Poncho de Anda uses Huggies® wipes to clean the kids up after dinner. Celebrities. They are just like us!

Diapers that fit well help too. I've never had a leakage issue with Huggies® Snug & Dry Diapers and I'm super thankful for that. Cameron is finally starting to sleep a bit at night and the last thing I need is to be woken up due to a leaky diaper. Extra sleep? Please.

Thank you.

Check out the Huggies Latino page to learn more about the new and improved lineup. Put them to the test on your everyday messes and stresses to see how they stack up.

Some casual snapshots of our day:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/k9E0jt24Exw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I've lost count of the number of swing pictures I've taken. 


A new Transformer arrived in the mail. Daddy bought it as a reward for Preston. He filled up his potty training sticker chart. Daddy is out of town at an MBA conference so Preston was extra happy to receive a surprise present from him.


Paper towel roll flute. Notice the mess in the stroller. I don't put the kids in it. I push garbage, laundry, and recycling around with it. Classy huh? 


My mini me is also a wanna be photographer. Just like his mommy.

No laughing but here is my first non iPhone home video attempt. I did an okay job with shooting on my DSLR (minus that crazed shakiness - sorry about that) but boy do I have a lot of iMovie learning to do. I'll add that to my list. As you can see our days are ordinary. We spend a few hours at day at the playground. There is a lot of noise and we have fun.

I wish I could have shown you all our daily trials and tribulations but I'm usually alone with the kids and it's hard to shoot a video when someone is dancing on a desk or tossing a dozen eggs on the kitchen floor.

You know how it is.

Perhaps it looks a little like your day? :)


This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Huggies.  However, all opinions expressed are my own and honest.