A trusted kitchen staple & Land O Lakes gift package giveaway.

I try to eat locally as much as possible but it isn't always easy. Sometimes I need to run into a supermarket at laser speed and don't have time to shop around. That is why when I can't find local products I have trusted brands I turn to.

Thank you all so much for entering and for your continued support. We have a winner!

Congratulations Wendy : )

Land O Lakes is one of those brands. I've happily used their butter, cream, and eggs for years. I like that I don't have to feel guilty or suspicious about their products. I trust Land O Lake eggs because they are produced by hens fed a premium vegetarian whole grain diet have no added hormones, antibiotics, animal fats or animal by-products.

Land O Lakes Eggs I

When visiting my husband's family during the holidays we wanted to cook a dessert at great grandmas house but needed supplies. We headed to Price Chopper picked up a dozen eggs  and my husband prepared the most delicious bread pudding I've ever tasted.

Pick up a dozen Land O Lakes eggs and try this recipe. You won't be disappointed.

In the meantime enter this fantastic giveaway for a chance to a premium Land O Lakes gift package (valued at more than $150) that includes an All-Clad Omelet Skillet, a $50 VISA gift card, a full-value coupon for any variety of LAND O LAKES® Eggs.

Land O Lakes Eggs I

Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment below and let me know what your favorite way to use eggs is.

Additional Entries:

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*Please leave a comment for each entry. Giveaway ends Friday - January, 20, 2012 at 11:59 est. Winner will be chosen via WordPress plug-in "and the winner is".*


*Disclosure: Although Land O Lakes supplied me with a product to review, I am a longtime customer and the above opinions are honest and my own.*