Birds, Bees, and Spring.

The sun is out, birds are singing, bees are trying to have sex with them - as is my understanding. - Bart Simpson

sexy bee

I love that quote. Such innocence. Freaky bees.

Preston was playing in the backyard when he spotted the flower above. He was so excited and was hopping around pointing to it. We sat down and watched this bee for a few minutes. I was definitely not set up for a shot like this but hey it is the first flower of Spring and that is something to celebrate. Also? I think it is time for a macro lens. Maybe the Easter bunny will bring me one.

It was GORGEOUS in Ithaca this weekend. Well, Sunday was gorgeous. Saturday was pretty cold. We spent Saturday bundled up indoors until my husband finished his test and then we headed to Syracuse for some shopping and dinner. My husband is obsessed with Delmonico's. So obsessed. Our meal was rushed because Cameron is teething and not sleeping well. She is *cranky*. The linguine with clams calmed her down temporarily. She ate almost half my dinner.

Oh, there was a woman at a neighboring table who kept speaking to us while we ate. I am pretty friendly and didn't mind but it was pretty awkward. It was super awkward when she asked whether we were having more kids and/ or planned on "getting fixed". So very awkward. Then we headed to the Carousel mall and bought the kids some clothes and other assorted items and that was it. Nothing too exciting but it was nice spending time as a family.

I spent Sunday in a sleep deprived haze. The kids went to bed late, woke up early, AND both have decided that they are too cool for naps. Cameron was screaming off and on all day. The weather was perfect so naturally I tried spending as much time outdoors as possible. It wasn't too easy given the fact that both kids were exhausted and mad at the world but we managed to have some fun. We made more pine cone bird feeders, played at the park, scribbled on the sidewalk, and went for a long walk. Standard, lovely weekend.

While the kids played I pulled out my camera. The sun was intense and it looked hazy out so I tried something different than usual. I'm not much of a hazy shooter or post processor but these were pretty cute.


What do you guys think?

 OH, and my guest post is up at The Creative Mama. I would love it if you would check it out. I am a huge fan of the writers there and TCM is my favorite collaborative site. You can find everything there from photography tips to incredible recipes.

The Creative Mama is all about everyday living with a touch of creativity. Check it out for me : ) but stay for the incredible content. I promise you'll love it.

Happy Monday!