First snow.

Winter is useless without snow. Cold. Rainy. Dark. No, thank you. Snow changes everything. It snowed lightly for a few hours on Wednesday. I bundled the kids and my new camera up. We spent an hour playing outside. It was positively freezing and my foolish Dominican self was out there without socks. No matter. The kids ran, screamed, and ate snow. I made them little snowmen and snowballs that Preston would then throw straight up in the air.

It was so much fun.


The snow melted. Today it's cold, dark, and rainy. We're spending most of our time cleaning and packing. The kids are spending most of theirs not sleeping and waking up unusually early. This week has kicked my ass. We're going to snuggle in bed and watch Christmas movies tonight. Hopefully I fall asleep nice and early because I can barely form coherent thoughts at this point.

Happy Friday xo