Moms for Trayvon

If you follow me on Twitter then you know I am passionate about the controversy surrounding Trayvon Martin. He was an innocent child who was murdered in cold blood. Each time I see his photo I am reminded that he could be my son, my son's best friend, my best friend's son, my daughter's boyfriend, and so on. I can't stop thinking about his mother. It isn't difficult for me to put myself in her shoes. I grew tired of feeling helpless and contacted the family PR spokesperson Adner Marcelin and asked how I could help. I started MomsforTrayvon so that I could inform and mobilize moms (or anyone!) who want to use their social media voices for this important cause. It will be a place to gather information surrounding this case (hopefully it becomes an official case soon), the numerous eloquently written and heartfelt posts from the blogosphere, and direct people toward the official fundraising sites.

I would love your support. Please visit MomsforTrayvon (remember it is brand new, I hope to have it fully updated by Wednesday) and grab a button for your blog. Together we can show the world that we will not tolerate hate or the unprovoked and unquestioned murder of children in our country.
