Much Love Monday. Autumn is near.

I absolutely positively adore the Fall. I cannot adequately convey to you the number of hours I spend silently scheming fun autumn activities for my family. There is so much to look forward to. Cmoney is turning one and I am planning a garden tea party themed birthday party. It might sound insane but I am also already planning Halloween costumes for the kids. I am having a fantastic day and hope you are too. Here is some Internet stuff I am loving today.

Halloween Idea:

paint bucket halloween bucket

I saw this on Ohdeedoh. What a fantastic idea! Of course I have no empty paint buckets around but I might have to change that. There is always something around the house that could use a fresh coat of paint. The best part of these buckets is that once the kids finish using them for trick-or-treating you could continue to use them around the house. I think I would use it in a corner near the front door to hold slippers.

Toddler Craft:

fall banner

This Tonya Staab tutorial was featured on the Multiples & More blog. The banner is so cute and looks really complicated but it isn't difficult to make at all. All you need (besides the supplies of course) is a helpful toddler and you've got yourself a fun craft with a super awesome finished product to hang in your home.

Dinner Idea:

My husband makes a pizza for the family once a week with locally purchased dough. Everyone loves it, especially Pweezy. We have fallen into a rut and find ourselves using the same ingredients often. I saw this gorgeous Heirloom Tomato Pizza on A Cozy Kitchen and promptly showed it to my husband. Guess who is having this incredible looking pizza for dinner this week? I cannot wait.


Oh and I *have* to share this. You may have already seen it on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook (hey it is too cute not to share) but here is my favorite picture of the weekend. Pweezy taking pictures of mommy. How cute is this?


What are you loving today?