Saying see you later to Indy

Our time in Indianapolis has come to an end. We've definitely enjoyed ourselves but it's hard saying goodbye (maybe?). My husband's internship was a success. His reviews were stellar. I'm proud but not surprised. We used to work for the same company and I am well acquainted with his incredible work ethic. My husband is a corporate superstar and I couldn't be prouder. He has nothing but good things to say about the company. I met some of his colleagues and they were all fantastic. I'm happy that the experience was overwhelmingly positive for him.

Now we leave Indianapolis and return to Ithaca. My husband waits to hear from the company to see whether they're extending him an offer. In the meantime we are going to do a bit of traveling. After spending a few days in Ithaca, New York we will drive to his hometown in the North Country New York (which people like to refer to upstate but it's practically Canada sooo I dunno about that), from there we will visit some friends in Burlington, Vermont, then we will pack up and head to Massachusetts. My mom and sister are watching the kids while my husband and I meet up with Joanna for our little road trip to the Blogher conference.

Once we arrive in NYC my husband will hang out with my kids' Godfather while Joanna and I do the bloggy thing. Since it's our first (and last for a very long time) weekend without the kids I plan on taking full advantage. We have some pretty awesome late night plans for the weekend I am pretty psyched about. I hope Joanna is ready.

OH! and I was hired as the Official Social Soiree Party photographer. I'm elated to be working with this incredible group of women. Social Soiree is one of the most highly anticipated private parties of the event. It's a guaranteed good time and I have some great plans up my sleeve.

Preston's third birthday is this Friday. I'm a little bummed that we aren't near any friends or family to celebrate but we'll take him out and show him a good time. We plan on having a few little celebrations for him during our travels so it isn't a big deal but I like parties. There just isn't enough time to throw a big bash and get everyone together.

Things are crazy right now. I can't lie. The uncertainty about post MBA life is tugging at me a bit. The finish line is so close and I still can't mentally place us in our future home. We have no idea where we are going. After our east coast road trip we will return to Cornell so my husband can wrap up his final semester at Cornell.

Can you believe it!?! Almost done. Then he heads to India for a school trip while I stay in Massachusetts with my family. He'll return and together as a family we will board a plane and head to London, UK. There my husband will attend the prestigious London School of Economics while I harass the natives with my hilarious (to me and my Twitter friends) Harry Potter references.

Which way to Diagon Alley govenah?

We have a lot to look forward to. Things are crazy but wonderful BUT I cannot wait to have some post business school certainty in our lives. I want to know what awaits us as a family but I'd like to begin planning my future as well. Will I work again? Am I going to attend business school? Will my husband wake up one day and decide I should set everything aside to follow my passion for photographing dangerous people and seedy neighborhoods?


It could drive me insane if I let it. I fight the urge. I (mostly) go with the flow and thank God for our blessings. Things are great.

BUT one thing I am going to miss dearly is the natural light in this apartment. It's glorious.




I really needed to get all that off my chest. Thanks for listening but enough about me.

How are you?