Selfie Fail

I keep hearing how important it is to get in front of the camera. They say "Your kids and grandkids will cherish these memories!" "Just do it!", they blog. Well, I finally heeded the advice and attempted a self portrait. Mega fail.

There was a crazy mishap involving my tripod, remote, and a spilled iced hot chocolate in the vicinity of my camera, MacBook Pro, and iPhone. Close call and very scary. I don't know how all the bloggy chicas with kids do it but I lack the dexterity and space to get dolled up, set up the camera, and pose in a flattering manner.

Maybe some day I'll have the time but for now I have to move fast. A one and two year old are like moths to a flame when they see a camera on a tripod. They're all over it.

Here they are. Laughing is totally allowed : )

Self Portrait Fail 1


Self Portrait Fail 2