Shouting out the cool kids.

You might recognize these folks from my sidebar. They're the fabulous people who support my little blog. I love them and want to tell you a little more about them.


If you are a longtime reader, Twitter, or Facebook friend then you know all about my ClickinMoms journey. I have come a crazy, super long way with their help. Photography can be an intimidating art. ClickinMoms strips away the pretense and offers a place where women (all women! you do not have to be a mom) encourage, support, and inspire each other. You also don't have to be an aspiring professional to join and I promise you won't meet a nicer group of people anywhere on the internet. In fact I might be the meanest person in the forums and even I am pretty nice :) see? Nothing to fear.

I participated in another ClickinMoms workshop last month. Processing 101-Photoshop. Due to serious time constraints and my various ridiculous illnesses I chose to take part as a study along. I downloaded all my materials and am slowly making my way through them. So far the workshop is impressive as usual. I have learned so much about post processing. I am developing my style and have no need for actions other than my own. I still like to play with them and use some here and there but I definitely don't have to depend on them for editing. That's a great feeling (and a huge money saver).

ClickinMoms has their own actions and presets. I have tried them all and guess what? Love them. They enhance images, speed up your workflow, and won't detract from your image. Highly recommend those too.They work especially well once you know how to clean edit a picture on your own.

Check out the ClickinMoms store. They have everything from adorable mugs (my girl Joanna got me one and I use it errrrday. It is so stinkin cute!) and sweatshirts to very affordable break out sessions. I purchased the Stacie Turner Breakout session and it was fabulous. The price was right and a total steal for the amount of information I received. Also? Stacie Turner is so talented. Sheer eye candy.

One last thing. Jill, the fabulous mastermind behind BabyRabies, has a code on her blog RIGHT NOW so you can try ClickinMoms FREE for 7 days with the code BABYRABIES. OR just sign up already! Save 20% off your membership with code BABYRABIES20 (starting at $30 for 6 months or $50 for a year) No excuses. I want to see you there.

old school polaroid boy


Little Crafts (and Other Things). Kisha is an awesome mom, writer, crafter, and architect type. She has a lot going on but still manages to keep her Etsy store stocked with lovely things. Right now I am feeling this hand knit Silver Silk scarf. It is so luxurious. I feel warmer just looking at it. Check out Kisha's store for more cozy luxury.

Scarf Silver Silk handknit Scalloped Vine & Leaf Lace Silk

One in the Hand

So, where do I start with Ashley. How about: SHE IS THE SUPER AMAZING CHICK BEHIND HANDMADE RYAN GOSLING!!! *raucous cheering sounds*

handmade ryan gosling

When Ashley isn't tied up being a super mom, working outside the home, or making the female blogosphere laugh until they cry, she is crafting it up. Her store has some great head bands and some of the funkiest and unique coffee cozies you've ever seen. Love them.

Coffee Cozy - Peppermints

A huge thanks to my February sponsors for their support.

I love them and know you will too.
