Flab to Fab Fridays

Hello strangers : ) I apologize for my sporadic posting as of late but I am back! I promise. I was in a weird blogging funk but who cares since today is Flab to Fab Friday.

Here is the deal. I felt fabulous right after I had C. See for yourself:

baby first day

I was home alone with C on maternity leave. Twirling around in the filtered sunlight streaming through the windows holding my gorgeous daughter. I was eating well and taking wonderful care of myself. It was easy since life was relatively stress free. I was home all day with a nursing and sleeping angel, the toddler was at daycare having a blast and coming home exhausted at night, and my mother in law was helping out a lot.

Then maternity leave came to a screeching halt. I had to return to a new job (same company) in a new building and adjust to being a full time working outside the home mother with two very young children. *excuses* Life got stressful and  Twix became my best friend. Soon NOTHING fit.

Fast forward a few months post holidays and post deciding to become a stay at home mom and I found myself weighing 145 pounds. ya. The absolute most I had ever previously weighed was 126 pounds and it was not a good look. It does not sound like much but I am short (5'1") and very small framed. Anything over 120 is really pushing it. I was extremely uncomfortable and decided it was time to make a change.

I have been slowly reverting to my pre pregnancies eating habits and increasing my physical activity as much as my currently packed schedule allows. Most of my physical activity comes from trying to master the Soulja Boy level on Dance Central while playing Kinect but hey that still counts as something.

Here are the stats:

Last week: 141.2, This week: 142.2, Total Pounds lost this month: 3

If you are wondering why I gained a pound I can tell you. It is because my lovely friend Beth of Measamommy sent me a giant sack of candy. It would have been rude not to eat some of it. So there you have it. It is Beth's fault.

I guarantee you this weight loss will be kicked up a notch very soon. My husband and I swore to buy ourselves new MacBooks once we each lost 25 pounds, I have vowed to lose 30 by 30, and I refuse to let February come to a close with me being even a fraction of a pound over 139.9.

Wish me luck and please share your weight loss tips with me!