Counter culture camera love.

If you are a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram friend then you already know that I finally got a new camera (and won't shut up about it). P broke my super cute pink Sony Cybershot that my fabulous husband had purchased for me a year ago. It was completely my fault. I handed it to him in an effort to stop some whining and it backfired. Usually he would just carry the camera around in its case. Happily and quietly. This time he turned it on and shoved in the optical zoom lens. It broke. I was a little upset since I love taking pictures of the kids but I can't lie there was a part of me that was excited to buy a new camera. I was going to get a DSLR but for the wrong reason: every single mom blogger has one. I take keeping up with the Joneses' to a whole new level : ) but seriously some of these women take the most beautiful pictures ever so I thought if I bought a crazy camera so would I. My husband informed me that I was incorrect in my assumption. I would not automatically take super amazing pictures if I spent a thousand dollars on a new camera. Boo.

Additionally I always ponder all purchases from face wash to laptops for weeks. I have no idea why. I wish I could say it was financial but it isn't. I think much too hard about every purchase regardless of cost. It is really annoying. Anyway I finally decided upon a camera when I came to the realization that I know nothing about photography and spending a $1,000 on a camera might not be the best idea. I couldn't even keep a $200 camera safe. I knew that if I went through with my fancy shmancy camera purchase that I would be stressed out about keeping it safe, learning how to use, finding time to use it, and on and on. Yes I am a crazy person.

I did need a new camera and conducted some brief research. I found this bad boy. It was on sale at Best Buy for $180. Sold! I feel super mommy blogger counter-culture for having a cheapo camera but I am honestly loving the camera and learning a little bit about photography, just enough to stop taking blurry pictures.

I have had the camera for two weeks and have taken so many pictures that I have not yet had the time to upload and edit them all.

This is one of my recent favorites:


toddler playground

Any photography resources that you care to share with a newbie photographer?

I am all ears.


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