Happy Father's Day.

I do not write much about my husband because as you can see he is very attractive and I don't need all you hot bitches trying to steal him away : ) but seriously he is a wonderful father. We are blessed and fortunate to have him in our lives.

Since the babies are on an extended nap boycott I did not have much time to locate my favorite pictures of K but he is a photogenic guy and these are great anyway.

Happy Father's Day.

handsfulldaddy snugglesergodaddy

P.S. I love you guys but if a single one of you is all "Zomg he looks so young how old is he?!?! I will cut you. We are the same age. HE looks younger because he didn't have 2 kids in 2 years and doesn't have a cherry Kool-Aid & Twix problem. OKAY? Thanks. xo