My Bootleg Grosgrain Ribbon Rosette Tutorial

I had originally intended to show you my latest crafty fail but after taking a few pictures of my daughter in my latest creation I decided that my first rosette making attempt was not a fail at all. You are totally welcome to disagree and laugh at me though. If I catch you I will give you a wedgie. I have a ton of unused grosgrain ribbon from several of my late night Etsy shopping sprees. I always forget to check the size of the ribbon I am purchasing which means I often find myself at a loss about what to do with my motley crew of ribbon. I saw a t-shirt rosette tutorial on The Creative Maven and a light bulb went off in my head. Why not try it with some of my ribbon?

Here is the finished product. Please excuse the finger paint on Miss Cmoney's beautiful face:

rosette tutorial Irosette tutorial II

rosette tutorial IIIrosette iv

Note: That is fingerpaint on her face.

I am not pretending to be a crafty blogger, in fact my poor husband asked me why there were little holes all over the onesie to which I responded "Hey! Don't make fun of me I don't know how to sew! I'll freaking cut you!".

However if you have some unused ribbon and plain white onesies hanging around then feel free to give these adorable rosettes a try:


  • Plain colored (I used some of Pweezy's old hand me downs) onesie
  • Grosgrain ribbon (any size but the thicker the ribbon is the easier it is to work with)
  • Glue gun/Hot glue
  • Needle & Thread


  • Take a six-inch piece of ribbon and begin twisting it tightly from the top (if you are using patterned ribbon make sure that as you twist the ribbon that the pattern is facing outward)
  • Start rolling the ribbon in a circular fashion as if you were making a snail's tail (makes perfect sense right? :)
  • Periodically glue the ribbon to itself (make sure that the glue is primarily on the underside of the rosette)
  • Keep twisting and gluing working outward until your circle becomes a rosette
  • When you reach the end of your ribbon twist the end tightly and behind the rosette.
  • Glue the end to the back of the rosette
  • Sew rosettes on to the onesie.

That's it!

So easy you don't even need step-by-step pictures or a video which is great because there is no way these kids would ever let me do such a thing.

I have plenty of crafty fails I will eventually share but I consider this one a success for the following reasons: I found a purpose for a stack of old slightly stained onesies I was hesitant to throw away, used up a heap of ribbon, practiced my horrendous sewing skills that I am determined to improve, and Cmoney looks too cute in her new onesies.

What do you think? Any rosette making tricks or tips for me? I might attempt a headband next.