Reader / Blogger Appreciation Day

As you know my blog is pretty darn new. During this short time I have connected with some very funny and intelligent people. If it weren't for your visits and comments CrunchyVTMommy wouldn't be nearly as fun for me as it is. Thank you all for the fun :)

I would like to take some time to recognize some of my favortite readers and/or bloggers.

If you like to think and laugh as much as I do then chances are that you will appreciate these women as well.

Maureen: TatterScoops
Maureen is a blogger living in Indonesia. She is a newly single and WOHM mother. I love when Mauren visits because she is supportive, thoughtful, and always makes me smile. Her blog is great. Maureen writes about a variety of diverse topics and I am especially looking forward to following her on her new single WOHM journey.

Natalie: MommyBoots
Natalie is hilarious. Period. She blogs about life with her so cute it is scary daughter Nellie and husband Josh. She is a super mom with a great sense of humor. One of my favorite comments she left on a post is: Things That Got My Goat This Week

STFU, Jessica Alba. Talk to me when your FUPA is still hanging around 9 months postpartum and you finally name your double chin.

Liberal use of the word FUPA wins you huge points over in these parts.

Maya: MarfMom
Maya is a mother and an advocate/volunteer for the National Marfan Foundation. She is sweet, kind, and intelligent. Maya always has something thought provoking to add to discussions. Her dedication to causes she belives strongly in is truly inspiring AND she disliked that stupid Facebook purse "cancer awareness" game as much as I did. Super smart lady!

Ericka: Keeping It Lit
Ericka is a WOHM to a gorgeous boy named Sam. Her partner is running for office here in Vermont: Todd for VT House. I love Ericka and her partner Todd because even after they have been up for night after night with a teething or sick Sam they are still upbeat. They always make me laugh. These are the people I wish were my neighbors.

Holly: GoodGollyHolly
I highly recommend that you check our her blog and see for yourself why this woman has me in tears from laughing so hard. Seriously. She is a funny b*tch :) She hates lying celebrity mothers too so you know she is awesome. "How I Got My Body Back After Baby" & Other Assorted Celebmum Fibs!

Thanks again to all of you. If it weren't for you guys I might not have been able to kick that nasty cherry Kool-Aid habit...okay it has been one day but I need the support! XOXO

I plan on doing this more frequently in the future as there are a lot of you that kick ass.

The world must know of your awesomeness.
Congratulations for being one of the cool kids :)