i'm back. again.

I miss Europe but it feels great to be back. We're staying in lovely Palm Beach, Florida with my husband's grandparents and loving every minute. The weather is perfect. The beaches are gorgeous. Our current pace of life is exactly what we needed. I'd like to call it a vacation but there isn't much relaxation when little ones are afoot. We are having a blast though. London was amazing but the sunshine feels incredible. The London weather took a horrible turn prior to our departure. It was cold, blustery, and wet.

We can't get enough of this lovely, warm Florida spring season.

It took me a hot minute to adjust to the time change. It hit me hard. Each day at about 7:00 p.m  (midnight in London before the recent daylight savings change) I'd start to fall apart. I fought the fatigue as best I could. I consumed the usual obscene quantities of coffee and handled all necessary business but I abandoned my favorite extracurriculars (blogging, photography, reading, etc). I survived but I'm glad it's behind me. I dislike being tired and if you've been here a while you know I whine about exhaustion constantly.

I don't like.

I haven't fully processed our stay in London, visit to Paris, or the somewhat harsh reality that the next few months will be among the most challenging of our lives. I'm sifting through the memories slowly and the facts at record speed. Right now we're focused on updating my résumé. I've decided to return to the outside of the home workforce (if I find the right role) and am currently applying to a few positions I'm interested in. I'm excited but it's also a scary prospect.

Many changes are coming.

You do know we're moving to Indianapolis, right? It's finally a done deal. We're buying a house. Enrolling Preston in pre-school and Cameron in the on-site daycare at my husband's office. We're finally settling down for a bit. It's surreal. My husband graduates from Cornell next month and immediately after we're Indy bound.

We've got a lot going on. Doesn't everyone? Aside from being overwhelmed I'm great. I lost 15+ pounds while in London, I'm running regularly again (I missed it so much), and the kids are (mostly) sleeping through the night in their own room on their own beds at great grandma and grandpa's where they're spoiled beyond belief.


Things are fabulous over here. How are you?