Nurture Photography Fall Photo Challenge: Yellow/Light

It's that time of the week again. Linking up with Kristi and Rebecca's Nurture Photography Fall Photo Challenge. You should too because it's a great way to stay motivated throughout the week. I spent a few hours outdoors searching for yellow objects with the kids. They have a good time and I get some nice photos. Everyone wins. It's also a great way to discover new to you blogs, make new friends, or check out some stunning photography. Give it a try. <a href=""  target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Nurture Photography Autumn 2012 Photo Challenge"></a>

I don't know what this is but it's yellow. I'm not the kind of outdoorsy person that like knows stuff and says things about stuff. I'm not some kind of a lumberjack. Geeze. Sure is pretty though.


A blooming version of the thing above. Maybe Suzanne can help me out here. She's the gardening guru. I love these pretty little buttercup looking things. Maybe that's what they're called. No, I won't google. Too sleepy :)


This might be my favorite non kid shot of the week. Spectacular light and perfect autumnal tones.


Ahh the beauty of living in student housing. I desperately wanted this shot with the lovely yellow trees in the background. Punk kids kept messing with my art. And they weren't mine so I couldn't bribe them to stay out of the frame. Not too shabby though.


Yes, Mom I know he needs a haircut but look at those curls. I can't believe how big he is getting. He used the largest word to date yesterday: ingredient. Growing up too fast I tell you.


These guys again. What is it about bowing, slightly arched, and withering sunflowers and me? Cannot get enough. I'll be sad to see them go. Autumn is nearly gone in our neck of the woods.

Nurture Photography Autumn 2012 Photo Challenge